Human Dignity

We advocate for people who are trying to rise above poverty but are treated poorly because of their economic status or personal traits. We should see our neighbors in need as we see ourselves and recognize their true identity–individuals with great worth and potential. We should treat every person with love and respect, regardless of his or her situation in life.

We seek to shape public policy that affirms every person’s human dignity so we all have the opportunity to reach our potential and flourish.

A Heart Full of Love . . . or Disdain?

A Heart Full of Love . . . or Disdain?

What do you think when you see a person on the street or elsewhere who is wearing worn, outdated clothing and appears to be uneducated and poor? What we think about that person is a reflection of who we are, and, more importantly, it can affect the person we're...

Civility and Noblesse Oblige

Civility and Noblesse Oblige

Civility hardly seems conceivable to many in our day, because they have forgotten the history of political and religious conflict that preceded the American founding and establishment of our...

The Dignity Gap

The Dignity Gap

For some Americans, dignity isn’t a right so much as it’s a commodity. Or at least it is according to Arthur Brooks, the president of the American Enterprise Institute, who makes this argument in...

America’s War on Poverty

America’s War on Poverty

Paul Mero, president and CEO, recently wrote an op-ed for the Deseret News about our need to recognize the human dignity of those who are poor. Here are a couple of excerpts: [A]t the heart of...

About Us

We are advocates for those who are poor and disadvantaged. Our mission is to lift every person in need to prosperity and self-reliance through sound public policy that affirms each person’s human dignity and allows for every opportunity to flourish. We work with all people of good will who share our vision.

We invite you to join us. . . .

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