Family Stability

We advocate for families that struggle to meet their basic needs but seek stability and success. Every family should be secure and stable in its finances, housing, health, and family relationships. Stability with basic needs helps families remain self-reliant and avoid falling into long-term poverty.

When families face unexpected setbacks, they should be able to rely on an effective, humane safety net that offers temporary support and stability until they can regain their self-reliance.

We advance public policy ideas that help families become and remain stable and self-reliant so they can pursue happiness and success.

Eviction Mediation Can Help Prevent Homelessness

Eviction Mediation Can Help Prevent Homelessness

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ("CDC") recently announced it was ending its eviction moratorium and has now extended it to October 3 for counties with "substantial and high levels" of coronavirus transmission. Whether now or in the future, many people...

America’s War on Poverty

America’s War on Poverty

Paul Mero, president and CEO, recently wrote an op-ed for the Deseret News about our need to recognize the human dignity of those who are poor. Here are a couple of excerpts: [A]t the heart of...

About Us

We are advocates for those who are poor and disadvantaged. Our mission is to lift every person in need to prosperity and self-reliance through sound public policy that affirms each person’s human dignity and allows for every opportunity to flourish. We work with all people of good will who share our vision.

We invite you to join us. . . .

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