Unite to Lift Every Person to Self-reliance and Prosperity
Utah Legislative Update 2022
The Utah Legislature passed several bills during the 2022 session that will help those who are poor and disadvantaged rise up to become free and prosperous. One is Senate Bill 35--Expungement Modifications. This bill sponsored by Sen. Todd Weiler makes the process...
A Heart Full of Love . . . or Disdain?
What do you think when you see a person on the street or elsewhere who is wearing worn, outdated clothing and appears to be uneducated and poor? What we think about that person is a reflection of who we are, and, more importantly, it can affect the person we're...
A Strong Economy Isn’t Enough: 280,000 Utahns Live in Poverty and Need Help
Utah's economy is one of the best in the nation. State leaders rightly trumpet our success and rankings throughout the state and as they travel throughout the world. But this success and these rankings would mean a lot more if we were doing better to help those who...
Focus Areas
Help everyone learn what they need in schools.
Help everyone work for self-sufficiency
Help everyone learn what they need in schools.
Help everyone work for self-sufficiency
About Transcend Together
We are advocates for those who are poor and disadvantaged. We seek to lift every person in need to self-reliance and prosperity through public policy that affirms their human dignity. We work with all people of good will who share our vision.
We invite you to join us. . . .